Service we Provide

Water Resources Engineering
(Surface / sub-surface / Hydrological Analysis / River Forecasting Models / Basins Management Plans / Geo-morphology / Inundation Mapping)

Master Planning & Land Use Mapping
(Land use Density Analysis / Sectoral Surveys / Landuse Field Survey)

Topographic & Hydrological Survey
(Marine / River / geospatial surveys / RTK / GNSS Systems)

Environmental Engineering
(Ecological / Environmental Impact Assessment / CIA / Dams)

Remote Sensing Technologies
(Spatial and Temporal Analysis Models / Classifications / Neural Networks / Statistical Model Analysis)

Online Mapping / Software Development
Geoserver / ArcGIS Server / PostgreSQL / MS SQL Spatial. Development platforms .NET / Java framework / C Sharp / ArcObjects / Wordpress / Joomla / Wampserver / Apache Tomcat
Spatsol Technologies
Major business areas includes integrated Geodatabase Development with focus in land use master planning / water resources and environmental engineering. Development of analysis engines using spatial assessment tools for MIS / Engineering / Environmental analysis with monitoring and impact assessments using remote sensing technologies. The firm also specializes in geospatial and topographic field surveys using GNSS systems and manned aerial photogrammetry, surveys. Land use surveys and model development, computerization of land records, master planning along with socio-economic surveys and baseline studies are among core areas of business.

Engineering Solutions
Engineering research and development also requires technological integration of IT based solutions and has become fastest growing field in software development.

Digital Survey and Land use Mapping
The advancement in geospatial data collection in conventional topographic survey and remote sensing technologies has leveraged the cartographic and digital mapping to new high speed solutions.

Experienced Staff
Our staff includes some of the most skilled professionals in the industry with International and local markets working experience. Our staff excels in providing technical solutions by undertaking required research for each individual assignment and delivering in timely manner complying high industry standards.

Project Management Consultancy Services
Development of Project Procurement documents (PC-I, RFPs, TORs, EOIs, etc.) are developed in coordination with the client departments and has proven a great support throughout the course of Project development cycle.